Sunday, July 12, 2009

Ray of Hope

May provided further respite and ray of hope to beleaguered investors on NSE. The Index gained a stunning 38% , surely a record gain in any one month. It was a month in which investors who took the risk in the first quarter were rewarded beyond their imagination. Value of transaction at just over N56 billion was the highest for the year which is consistent with a rising market which generates more interest.

June on the other hand was a reality check. Value of transactions at over N94 billion was the highest in 9 months. The Index reached a year high on June 2nd at 30,925 and came within whiskers of the year opening. However, by the end of the month the Index had dropped to 26,862 a 9.6% decline from May closing. This was certainly not a surprise after the record setting gains in May.

As we enter the summer the dullest time of the year, it is likely that the index will drop further from its June closing before the summer is out. Already the first few days in July indicate a declining interest in the market. Value of transactions are declining daily albeit slowly. But the signs of a bear market are there: lower lows and lower highs combined with shrinking volume.

With the new Central Bank Governor talking tough and uncertainty still hanging over the faith of some banks this is the time for caution. A time to perhaps sit still. Except for some investors still holding on to dead wood. This might be another opportunity to exit with modest losses before another round of meltdown.

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